Week: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40
Week No 40Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 40 (03.10.2011 - 09.10.2011). The total incidence per 10,000 population was 50.07 (during week No 39 the incidence was 41.85). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 1 907 ARI cases have been reported (during week No 39 the cases were 1 594). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 yrs (278.77 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 yrs (128.40 per 10,000).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD
During week No 40 totally of 3 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. There`s no positive results was detected.
Week No 39
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 39 (26.09.2011 - 02.10.2011). The total incidence per 10,000 population was 41.85 (during week No 38 the incidence was 25,20). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 1 594 ARI cases have been reported (during week No 38 the cases were 960). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 yrs (240.17 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 yrs (89.57 per 10,000).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD
During week No 39 totally of 4 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. There`s no positive results was detected.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 38 (19.09.2011 - 25.09.2011). The total incidence per 10,000 population was 25.20 (during week No 37 the incidence was 31.56). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 960 ARI cases have been reported (during week No 37 the cases were 1 202 ). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 yrs (145.22 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 yrs (69.21 per 10,000).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD
During week No 38 totally of 9 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. There`s no positive results was detected.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 37 (12.09.2011 - 18.09.2011). The total incidence per 10,000 population was 31.56 (during week No 36 the incidence was 23.68). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 1 202 ARI cases have been reported (during week No 36 the cases were 902). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 yrs (121.86 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 yrs (54.18 per 10,000).Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD
During week No 37 totally of 3 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. There`s no positive results was detected.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 36 (05.09.2011 - 11.09.2011). The total incidence per 10,000 population was 23,68 (during week No 35 the incidence was 31,72 ). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 902 ARI cases have been reported (during week No 35 the cases were 1 208). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 yrs (121.86 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 yrs (54.18 per 10,000).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD
During week No 36 totally of 2 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. There`s no positive results was detected.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 35 (29.08.2011 - 04.09.2011). The total incidence per 10,000 population was 31,72 (during week No 34 the incidence was 25,60 ). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 1 208 ARI cases have been reported (during week No 34 the cases were 975). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 yrs (162.49 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 yrs (74.85 per 10,000). The incidence, higher than the country average, has been reported in Gabrovo (101.35).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD
During week No 35 totally of 2 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. There`s no positive results was detected.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 34 (22.08.2011 - 28.08.2011). The total incidence per 10,000 population was 25,60 (during week No 33 the incidence was 21,79 ). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 975 ARI cases have been reported (during week No 33 the cases were 830). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 yrs (131.00 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 yrs (55.75 per 10,000).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD
During week No 34 totally of 2 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. There`s no positive results was detected.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 33 (15.08.2011 - 21.08.2011). The total incidence per 10,000 population was 21,79 (during week No 32 the incidence was 23,84 ). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 830 ARI cases have been reported (during week No 32 the cases were 908). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 yrs (118.31 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 yrs (55.12 per 10,000).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD
During week No 33 there are no suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARI by Real Time PCR.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 32 (08.08.2011 - 14.08.2011). The total incidence per 10,000 population was 23,84 (during week No 31 the incidence was 24,08 ). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 908 ARI cases have been reported (during week No 31 the cases were 917). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 yrs (134.56 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 yrs (58.88 per 10,000).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD
During week No 32 totally of 5 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. There`s no positive results was detected.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 31 (01.08.2011 - 07.08.2011). The total incidence per 10,000 population was 24,08 (during week No 30 the incidence was 21,82 ). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 917 ARI cases have been reported (during week No 30 the cases were 831). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 yrs (128.47 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 yrs (65.77 per 10,000).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD
During week No 31 totally of 2 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. There`s no positive results was detected.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 30 (25.07.2011 - 31.07.2011). The total incidence per 10,000 population was 21,82 (during week No 29 the incidence was 23,50 ). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 831 ARI cases have been reported (during week No 29 the cases were 895). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 yrs (117.29 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 yrs (56.68 per 10,000).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD
During week No 30 there are no suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARI by Real Time PCR.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 29 (18.07.2011 - 24.07.2011). The total incidence per 10,000 population was 23,50 (during week No 28 the incidence was 28,46 ). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 895 ARI cases have been reported (during week No 28 the cases were 1 084). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 yrs (121.86 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 yrs (57.62 per 10,000).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD
During week No 29 totally of 2 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. There`s no positive results was detected.
Influenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 28 (11.07.2011 - 17.07.2011). The total incidence per 10,000 population was 28,46 (during week No 27 the incidence was 28,72 ). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 1 084 ARI cases have been reported (during week No 27 the cases were 1 094). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 yrs (137.10 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 yrs (72.03 per 10,000). The incidence, higher than the country average, has been reported in Gabrovo (61.47).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD
During week No 28 totally of 4 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. There`s no positive results was detected.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 27 (04.07.2011 - 10.07.2011). The total incidence per 10,000 population was 28,72 (during week No 26 the incidence was 26,52 ). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 1 094 ARI cases have been reported (during week No 26 the cases were 1 010). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 yrs (163.50 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 yrs (65.77 per 10,000). The incidence, higher than the country average, has been reported in: Gabrovo (84.73) and Russe (69.01).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD
During week No 27 totally of 2 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. There`s no positive results was detected.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 26 (27.06.2011 - 03.07.2011). The total incidence per 10,000 population was 26,52 (during week No 25 the incidence was 34,37 ). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 1 010 ARI cases have been reported (during week No 25 the cases were 1 309). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 yrs (145.22 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 yrs (59.82 per 10,000). The incidence, higher than the country average, has been reported in: Gabrovo (63.13) and Shumen (65.65).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD
During week No 26 there are no suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARI by Real Time PCR.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 25 (20.06.2011 - 26.06.2011). The total incidence per 10,000 population was 34,37 (during week No 24 the incidence was 36,47 ). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 1 309 ARI cases have been reported (during week No 24 the cases were 1 389). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 yrs (185.34 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 yrs (77.98 per 10,000). The incidence, higher than the country average, has been reported in Gabrovo (93.04).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD
During week No 25 there are no suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARI by Real Time PCR.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 24 (13.06.2011 - 19.06.2011). The total incidence per 10,000 population was 36,47 (during week No 23 the incidence was 37,31 ). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 1 389 ARI cases have been reported (during week No 23 the cases were 1 421). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 yrs (196.00 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 yrs (98.34 per 10,000). The incidence, higher than the country average, has been reported in: Gabrovo (93.04), Haskovo (84.49) and Yambol (80.34).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD
During week No 24 totally of 2 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. There`s no positive results was detected.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 23 (06.06.2011 - 12.06.2011). The total incidence per 10,000 population was 37,31 (during week No 22 the incidence was 44,29 ). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 1 421 ARI cases have been reported (during week No 22 the cases were 1 687 ). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 yrs (204.12 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 yrs (93.95 per 10,000). The incidence, higher than the country average, has been reported in Gabrovo (116.30) and Haskovo (133.89).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD
During week No 23 there are no suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARI by Real Time PCR.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 22 (30.05.2011 - 05.06.2011). The total incidence per 10,000 population was 44,29 (during week No 21 the incidence was 37.26). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 1 687 ARI cases have been reported (during week No 21 the cases were 1 419). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 yrs (226.46 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 yrs (114.94 per 10,000). The incidence, higher than the country average, has been reported in Gabrovo (121.28) and Haskovo (115.69).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD
During week No 22 1 sample from suspect patient have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARI by Real Time PCR. There is no positive result detected.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 21 (23.05.2011 - 29.05.2011. The total incidence per 10, 000 population was 37.26 (during week 20 the incidence was 41.95). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 1 419 ARI cases have been reported (during week 20 the cases were 1 598). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 ys (189.91 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 ys (109.92 per 10,000). The incidence, higher than the country average, has been reported in Haskovo (129.99) .
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD: During week No 21 totally of 2 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. There`s no positive results was detected
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 20 (16.05.2011 - 22.05.2011. The total incidence per 10, 000 population was 41.95 (during week 19 the incidence was 46.63). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 1 598 ARI cases have been reported (during week 19 the cases were 1 776). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 ys (249.16 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 ys (120.26 per 10,000). The incidence, higher than the country average, has been reported in: Haskovo (92.29), Gabrovo (89.72) and Shumen (85.23).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD: During week No 20 totally of 2 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. There`s no positive results was detected
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 19 (09.04.2011 - 15.05.2011. The total incidence per 10, 000 population was 46.63 (during week 18 the incidence was 42.09). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 1 776 ARI cases have been reported (during week 18 the cases were 1 603). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 ys (239.16 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 ys (127.46 per 10,000). The incidence, higher than the country average, has been reported in: Haskovo (176.78), Gabrovo (117.96) and Shumen (118.64).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD: During week No 19 samples from suspect patients haven`t been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 18 (02.04.2011 - 08.05.2011. The total incidence per 10, 000 population was 42.09 (during week 17 the incidence was 41.98). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 1 603 ARI cases have been reported (during week 17 the cases were 1 599). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 ys (221.89 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 ys (111.80 per 10,000). The incidence, higher than the country average, has been reported in: Haskovo (119.59) and Shumen (103.66).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD: During week No 18 samples from suspect patients haven`t been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 17 (25.04.2011 - 01.05.2011. The total incidence per 10, 000 population was 41.98 (during week 16 the incidence was 40.72). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 1 599 ARI cases have been reported (during week 16 the cases were 1 551). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 ys (222.40 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 ys (112.74 per 10,000).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD: During week No 17 totally of 6 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. 1 positive result for type B was detected.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 16 (18.04.2011 - 24.04.2011. The total incidence per 10, 000 population was 40.72 (during week 15 the incidence was 46.84). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 1 551 ARI cases have been reported (during week 15 the cases were 1 784). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 ys (212.25 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 ys (115.25 per 10,000). The incidence, higher than the country average, has been reported in Haskovo (132.59).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD: During week No 16 totally of 4 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. 1 positive result for type B was detected.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 15 (11.04.2011 - 17.04.2011. The total incidence per 10, 000 population was 46.84 (during week 14 the incidence was 43.00). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 1 784 ARI cases have been reported (during week 14 the cases were 1 638). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 ys (231.03 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 ys (120.89 per 10,000). The incidence, higher than the country average, has been reported in Haskovo (158.59).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD: During week No 15 totally of 6 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. 1 positive result for А(Н1N1) 2009 was detected and 1 positive result for type B .
Influenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 14 (04.04.2011 - 10.04.2011. The total incidence per 10, 000 population was 43.00 (during week 13 the incidence was 58.92). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 1 638 ARI cases have been reported (during week 13 the cases were 2 244). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 ys (219.36 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 ys (96.77 per 10,000).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD: During week No14 totally of 6 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. 1 positive result for А(Н1N1) 2009 was detected.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was low during week No 13 (28.03.2011 - 03.04.2011. The total incidence per 10, 000 population was 58.92 (during week 12 the incidence was 73.93). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 2 244 ARI cases have been reported (during week 12 the cases were 2 816). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 ys (272.16 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 ys (164.73 per 10,000).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD: During week No13 totally of 10 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. 1 positive result for type B was detected.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was medium during week No 12 (21.03.2011 - 27.03.2011. The total incidence per 10, 000 population was 73.93(during week 11 the incidence was 88.01). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 2 816 ARI cases have been reported (during week 11 the cases were 3 352). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 ys (341.73 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 ys (211.39 per 10,000).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD: During week No 12 totally of 8 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. 1 positive result for type B was detected.
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was medium during week No 11 (14.03.2011 - 20.03.2011. The total incidence per 10, 000 population was 88.01(during week 10 the incidence was 102.63). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 3 352 ARI cases have been reported (during week 10 the cases were 3 909). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 ys (332.08 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 ys (267.45 per 10,000). The highest incidence has been reported in Yambol (192.33).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD: During week No 11 totally of 9 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. 1 positive result for type B was detected
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was higher than medium during week No 10 (07.3.2011 - 13.03.2011. The total incidence per 10, 000 population was 102.63 (during week 09 the incidence was 93.15). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 3 909 ARI cases have been reported (during week 09 the cases were 3 548). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 ys (394.03 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 ys (310.67 per 10,000). The highest incidence has been reported in: Gabrovo (172.79), Russe (181.47), Stara Zagora (177.25), Shumen (173.92) and Yambol (167.16).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD: During week No 10 totally of 30 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. 6 positive results for А(Н1N1) 2009 were detected and 12 positive result for type B .
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria has decreased during week No 09 (28.2.2011 - 06.03.2011. The total incidence per 10, 000 population was 93.15 (during week 08 the incidence was 140.33). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 3 548 ARI cases have been reported (during week 08 the cases were 5 345). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 ys (354.42 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 ys (308.79 per 10,000). Higher incidence has been reported in 2 regions: Мontana (228.17) snd Stara Zagora (324.6)
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD: During week No 09 totally of 19 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. 9 positive results for А(Н1N1) 2009 were detected and 1 positive result for type B .
Iinfluenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria was higher than medium during week No 08 (21.2.2011 - 27.02.2011. The total incidence per 10, 000 population increase and was 140.33 (during week 07 the incidence was 134.24). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 5 345 ARI cases have been reported (during week 07 the cases were 5 113). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 ys (487.97 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 ys (453.79 per 10,000). Higher incidence has been reported in 5 regions: Gabrovo (272.47), Dobrich (196.33), Lovech (203.45), Sofia-region (191.22) and Shumen (205.02). Epidemic incidence has been reported in 2 regions: Мontana (548.49) snd Stara Zagora (358.77)
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD: During week No 08 totally of 87 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. 10 positive results for А(Н1N1) 2009 were detected and 22 positive result for type B .
During week No 07 (14.02.2011 - 20.02.2011) influenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria has continued to decrease. The total incidence was 134.24 per 10, 000 population (during week 06 the incidence was 143.93). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 5 113 ARI cases have been reported (during week 06 the cases were 5 482). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 ys (470.19 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 ys (408.07 per 10,000). Higher incidence has been reported in 9 regions: Blagoevgrad (279.83), Dobrich (203.88), Kardjali (197.63), Lovech (221.48), Мontana (307.15), Pleven (192.96), Sofia-region (213.49), Stara Zagora (248.43) и Yambol (204.74).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD: During week No 07 totally of 52 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. 16 positive results for А(Н1N1) 2009 were detected and 8 positive result for type B .
During week No 06 (07.02.2011 - 13.02.2011) influenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria has continued to decrease. The total incidence was 143.93 per 10, 000 population (during week 05 the incidence was 185.28). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 5 482 ARI cases have been reported (during week 05 the cases were 7 057). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 ys (449.38 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 ys (370.49 per 10,000). Epidemic incidence has been reported in 1 region - Smolyan (280.76). Higher incidence has been reported in 7 regions: Dobrich (188.78), Мontana (285.21), Pernik (185), Russe (212.78), Silistra (235.14), Stara Zagora (239.18) и Yambol (222.88).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD: During week No 06 totally of 95 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. 35 positive results for А(Н1N1) 2009 were detected and 8 positive result for type
During week No 05 (31.01.2011 - 06.02.2011) influenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria has started to decrease. The total incidence was 185.28 per 10, 000 population (during week 04 the incidence was 259.21). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 7 057 ARI cases have been reported (during week 04 the cases were 9 873). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 ys (519.45 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 ys (455.67 per 10,000). Epidemic incidence has been reported in 5 regions: Varna (190.93), Lovech (319.34), Montana (662.57), Smolyan (290.22), Stara Zagora (289.01). Higher incidence has been reported in 11 regions: Burgas (153.27), Vidin (206.02), Vratsa (247.49), Gabrovo (227.61), Dobrich (206.04), Kardjali (228.37), Plovdiv (124.54), Sofia-capital (161.84), Sofia-region (231.83), Shumen (221.15) и Yambol (317.48).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD: During week No 05 totally of 116 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. 45 positive results for А(Н1N1) 2009 were detected, 34 positive result for type B and 3 positive results for type А.
During week No 04 (24.01.2011 - 30.01.2011) influenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria has continued to rise and has reached epidemic levels. The total incidence was 259.21 per 10, 000 population (during week 03 the incidence was 217,88). From a total of 380,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 9 873 ARI cases have been reported (during week 03 the cases were 8 364). The incidence is highest in the age group 5-14 ys (753.81 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 0-4 ys (740.3 per 10,000). Epidemic incidence has been reported in 16 regions: Blagoevgrad (461.65), Burgas (228.62), Varna (215.8), Veliko Tarnovo (213.11), Vidin (338.75), Vratsa (344.55), Kardjali (487.48), Kustendil (367.92), Lovech (435.33), Montana (662.57), Pernik (315.51), Plovdiv (172.64), Sofia capital (240.88), Sofia-region (381.14), Shumen (377.79) and Yambol (368.0). Pre-epidemic incidence has been reported in 6 regions: Gabrovo (378.8), Pazardjik (452.87), Razgrad (153), Russe (300.3), Smolyan (217.67) and Stara Zagora (271.92).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD: During week No 04 totally of 152 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. 52 positive results for А(Н1N1) 2009 were detected, 32 positive result for type B and 2 positive results for А/H3N2 .
Influenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria has increased and was very high during week No 03 (17.01.2011 - 23.01.2011). The total incidence per 10, 000 population increases and was 217.88 (during week 02 the incidence was 152,94). From a total of 383,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 8 364 ARI cases have been reported (during week 02 the cases were 5 871). The incidence is highest in the age group 5-14 ys (702.45 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 0-4 ys (652.15 per 10,000). Pre-epidemic incidence has been reported in 6 regions: Varna (137.44), Vidin (243.66), Vratsa (247.49), Lovech (303.89), Pazardjik (430.42) and Plovdiv (123.11). Epidemic incidence has been reported in 9 regions: Blagoevgrad (701.70), Burgas (223.46), Veliko Tarnovo (210.13), Kustendil (394.25), Pernik (325.65), Pleven (338.36), Sofia capital (219.44), Sofia-region (438.77) and Shumen (252.25).
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD: During week No 03 totally of 67 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. 22 positive results for А(Н1N1) 2009 were detected, 1 positive result for type A and 7 positive results for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
Influenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria has increased and is higher than medium level during week No 02 (10.01.2011 - 16.01.2011). The total incidence per 10, 000 population increases and is 152.94 (during week 01 the incidence was 122,80). From a total of 383,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 5 871 ARI cases have been reported (during week 01 the cases were 4 714). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 ys (541.11 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 ys (458.18 per 10,000). Higher incidence has been reported in 11 regions: Varna (99.19), Vidin (148.57), Gabrovo (229.27), Kjustendil (119.8), Lovech (200.8), Pazardjik (261.42), Russe (200), Silistra (192.47), Stara Zagora (168), Haskovo (154.69) and Yambol (239.73). Pre-epidemic incidence has been reported in 6 regions: Blagoevgrad (340.91), Burgas (185.79), Pernik (215.42), Pleven (262.07), Sofia capital (155.20) and Shumen (187.74). Epidemic incidence has been reported in Sofia-region (315.65)
Information from National Reference Laboratory of Influenza and Acute Respiratory Infections at NCIPD: During week No 02 totally of 65 samples from suspect patients have been investigated in the NRL of Influenza and ARD by Real Time PCR. 9 positive results for А(Н1N1) 2009 were detected, 1 positive result for type A and 6 positive results for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
Influenza and ARI intensity in Bulgaria has increased and is higher than medium level during week No 01 (03.01.2011 - 09.01.2011). The total incidence per 10, 000 population increases and is 122.80 (during week 52 the incidence was 67,83). From a total of 383,886 persons under surveillance, belonging to all age groups, a total of 4 714 ARI cases have been reported (during week 52 the cases were 2 604). The incidence is highest in the age group 0-4 ys (429.63 per 10,000 population), followed by age group of 5-14 ys (367.35 per 10,000). Higher incidence has been reported in 7 regions: Vratsa (197.35), Gabrovo (232.6), Pazardjik (229.73), Pernik (110.24), Pleven (246.81), Sofia capital (118.80) and Shumen (162.40). Epidemic incidence has been reported in Sofia-region (302.55).