Week No 10

During week № 10 (04.03.2024-10.03.2024) the intensity of the epidemic process of influenza and acute respiratory diseases (ARD) continues to decrease. The incidence rate is 72.48 per 10 000 (90.97 per 10 000 people for the previous week). Among the surveillance population of 364 092 persons, 2 639 cases of ARI (3312 in the previous week) were registered. The incidence decreased in all age groups but was highest in children's age groups: 0-4 years (305.69 per 10 000 population) and 5-14 years (248.66 per 10 000 population).

After the 7th week of 2024, all districts of the country show a marked decrease in the incidence of ARI and influenza.

During the period, 14 clinical specimens were tested at the national reference laboratory for influenza and ARI, 1 of which was confirmed to contain influenza virus type B/Victoria. No evidence of influenza viruses was found in the 10 samples from children under 5 years of age but RSV(2) and other(3) respiratory viruses were demonstrated.