Week No 27

In week 27 (01.07-07.07.2024), a decrease in the number of recorded cases of influenza and acute respiratory diseases (ARD) compared to the previous week was reported, respectively, and a lower overall incidence by age groups. There were 1,268 cases among the surveillance population out of 364,295, an incidence of 34.81 per 10,000 population (previous week: 1,312 cases, incidence of 36.01 per 10,000). The incidence in the age group 0-4 years was 151.98 per 10,000 population),and in the group 5-14 years was 82.98 per 10,000 population. The level of morbidity is low, typical for the season.

The national reference laboratory for influenza and ARI tested 20 samples, 1 of which was confirmed to contain influenza virus type B/Victoria. No influenza viruses were demonstrated in samples from children under 5 years of age, but AdV(4), PIV(2) and other(3) respiratory viruses were isolated.