Home » Weekly reports » 2024
Week No 2609.07.2024 In week 26 (24.06-30.06.2024), a decrease in the number of recorded cases of influenza and acute respiratory diseases
(ARD) compared to the previous week was reported, respectively, and a lower overall incidence by age groups. There
were 1,342 cases am...
Week No 2509.07.2024 In week 25 (17.06-23.06.2024), a decrease in the number of recorded cases of influenza and acute respiratory diseases
(ARD) compared to the previous week was reported, respectively, and a lower overall incidence by age groups. There were
1,342 cases among...
Week No 2419.06.2024 In week 24 (10.06-16.06.2024), a decrease in the number of recorded cases of influenza and acute respiratory diseases
(ARD) compared to the previous week was reported, respectively, and a lower overall incidence by age groups. There were
1,591 cases among...
Week No 2312.06.2024
During the week No. 23 (03.06-09.06.2024), a decrease in the number of recorded cases of influenza
and acute respiratory diseases (ARI) compared to the previous week was reported, respectively a
lower overall mor...
Week No 2204.06.2024 During week №22 (27.05.2024-02.06.2024) the intensity of the epidemic process of influenza and acute respiratory
diseases (ARD) remained at the levels of the previous week. The incidence rate is 50.12 per 10 000 people (47.08 per 10
000 people for the pre...
Week No 2130.05.2024 During the week No. 21 (20.05.2024-26.05.2024), a slight decrease in the intensity of the epidemic process of influenza
and acute respiratory diseases (ARI) was reported compared to the previous week. The morbidity rate is 47.08 per 10 000
people (56.69 p...
Week No 2022.05.2024 During week 20 (13.05.2024-19.05.2024) a slight increase in the incidence of influenza and acute respiratory illness
(ARI) was reported compared to the previous week.The incidence rate is 56,69 per 10 000 people (51,17 per 10 000
people for the previous...
Week No 1914.05.2024 During week 19 (06.05.2024-12.05.2024) a slight increase in the incidence of influenza and acute respiratory illness
(ARI) was reported compared to the previous week.The incidence rate is 51.17 per 10 000 people (39.53 per 10 000
people for the previous...
Week No 1808.05.2024 During week No. 18 (29.04.2024-05.05.2024) a decrease in the intensity of the epidemic process of influenza and acute
respiratory diseases (ARI) is reported. The incidence rate is 39.53 per 10,000 people (63.05 per 10,000 people in the
previous week). Amo...
Week No 1730.04.2024 During week 17 (22.04.2024-28.04.2024), the recorded incidence of ARI and influenza was 63.05 per 10,000 people (58.61
per 10,000 people in the previous week). Among the monitored population of 364 295 persons, 2 297 cases of ARI were
registered during ...
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